Troop 4

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Troop Committe Positions & Responsibilities
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  1. Ensures that quality adult leadership is recruited and trained. In case the Scoutmaster is absent, a qualified assistant Scoutmaster is assigned. If the Scoutmaster is unable to serve, a replacement is recruited
  2. Provides adequate meeting facilities.
  3. Advises the Scoutmaster on policies relating to Boy Scouting and the chartered organization.
  4. Supports leaders in carrying out the program.
  5. Is responsible for finances, adequate funds, and disbursements in line with the approved budget plan.
  6. Obtains, maintains, and properly cares for troop property.
  7. Ensures the troop has an outdoor program (minimum 10 days and nights per year).
  8. Serves on boards of review and courts of honor.
  9. Supports the Scoutmaster in working with individual boys and problems that may affect the overall troop program.
  10. Provides for the special needs and assistance some boys may require.
  11. Helps with the Friends of Scouting campaign.
  12. Assists the Scoutmaster with handling boy behavioral problems


  1. Organize the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated and completed.
  2. Maintain a close relationship with the chartered organization representative and the Scoutmaster.
  3. Interpret national and local policies to the troop.
  4. Prepare troop committee meeting agendas.
  5. Call, preside over, and promote attendance at monthly troop committee meetings and any special meetings that may be called.
  6. Ensure troop representation at monthly roundtables.
  7. Secure top-notch, trained individuals for camp leadership.
  8. Arrange for charter review and annually
  9. Plan the charter presentation.


  1. Keep minutes of meetings and send out committee meeting notices.
  2. Handle publicity.
  3. Prepare a family newsletter of troop events and activities.
  4. Conduct the troop resource survey. Plan for family night programs and family activities.
  5. At each meeting, report the minutes of the previous meeting.


  1. Handle all troop funds. Pay bills on recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the troop committee.
  2. Maintain checking and savings accounts.
  3. Train and supervise the troop scribe in record keeping.
  4. Keep accurate records in the Troop/Team Record Book.
  5. Supervise money-earning projects, including obtaining proper authorizations.
  6. Supervise the camp savings plan.
  7. Lead in the preparation of the annual troop budget.
  8. Lead the Friends campaign.
  9. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.


  1. Help in securing permission to use camping sites.
  2. Serve as transportation coordinator.
  3. Ensure a monthly outdoor program.
  4. Promote the National Camping Award.
  5. Promote, through family meetings, attendance at troop camp outs, camporees, and summer camp to reach the goal of an outing per month.
  6. Secure tour permits for all troop activities.
  7. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.


  1. Encourage Scouts to advance in rank.
  2. Work with the troop scribe to maintain all Scout advancement records.
  3. Arrange quarterly troop boards of review and courts of honor.
  4. Develop and maintain a merit badge counselor list.
  5. Make a prompt report on the correct form to the council service center when a troop board of review is held.
  6. Secure badges and certificates.
  7. Work with the troop librarian to build and maintain a troop library of merit badge par, and other advancement literature.
  8. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.


  1. Provide a spiritual tone for troop meetings and activities.
  2. Give guidance to the chaplain aide.
  3. Promote regular participation of each member in the activities of the religious organization of his choice.
  4. Visit Homes of Scouts in times of sickness or need.
  5. Give spiritual counseling service when needed or requested.
  6. Encourage Boy Scouts to earn their appropriate religious emblems.
  7. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.


  1. Ensure troop leaders and committee members have opportunities for training.
  2. Maintain an inventory of up-to-date training materials, videotapes, and other training resources.
  3. Work with the district training team in scheduling Fast Start training for all new leaders.
  4. Be responsible for BSA Youth Protection training within the troop.
  5. Encourage periodic junior leader training within the troop and at the council and national levels.
  6. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.


  1. Supervise and help the troop procure camping equipment.
  2. Work with the quartermaster on inventory and proper storage and maintenance of all troop equipment.
  3. Make periodic safety checks on all troop camping gear, and encourage troops in the safe use of all outdoor equipment.
  4. Report to the troop committee at each meeting.