The Last one across the stage gets the most applause!
As seen from the big screen
With Parents; Grandparents; and Scott
Eagle Scout
Out of the Dorm at last!!
T'aint muchBut better than the Dorm
A real desk with my own machine..
My first visitor
I'm easy to find, just look for
the distinctive paint job...
Recent Future Geologist Spotted out west among the Rocks!
march, 2003
Me and ShipRock
Me in cave dwelling in Banolier Natl Monument
Me infront of ancient dwelling place in Banolier Natl Monumet.
Me on top of Mt
Nothing can kill the grimace, eh, Ryan? ;-)
Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon Natl Park
Hey, Ryan What's this formation called?
Summer of '01 in Medora working stage crew and a bit part in the Medora Musical. He is now working on his second full year of living in Dorm rooms. We got out to visit him once during the summer of 01.
He seemed to be enjoying himself.
Recently decided he would rather be a "Rockman" and open new oil fields in Alaska, has to learn to vote against the environmental "Wackos" to accomplish this goal.....
UND Bards Choir
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